New in 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We're starting 2010 with a fresh blog site for the Wilford Family (

Our previous blog ( will still be live, but I'm going to use it for my new digital scrapbooking project.

Feel free to follow both because the other site will still have plenty of photos of the kids, they'll just be 'old news' that I'm finally getting around to cleaning up and organizing for scrapbook pages.

[Dear Mom: Please do not panic. I have already set this blog up to email posts to you so you'll never really know the difference. This information is only for people who manage to follow blogs on their own. I repeat, do NOT panic.]

To start things off right, here's what we did today:

As soon as I cleared out the Christmas decorations, the kids requested a tent big enough for them (and Duchess who they missed dearly during our week in the mountains).

Speaking of our trip to the mountains...

We enjoyed nearly two feet of snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures for five days.

Helen LOVES the snow (and did a lot of sledding)

Harrison does NOT love the snow (or his jacket, hat and mittens).

I also have excellent video footage of Ray on the sled, but he has forbidden me from sharing it... Oh, it is so excellent... I am so tempted...


Charlotte said...

I have some excellent video of Peter that I am also forbidden to share. One year later I am STILL tempted.

Amanda said...

Aubrey, if I come visit in Greenville, can I see the video?? It is totally worth the trip :)

Kimberly said...

I kept scrolling over the red words, hoping it was a secret hyper link to some secret video footage.

Oh, the disappointment.........

The Wilfords said...

Secret hyperlink?!? You're a genius, Kim!

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

Harrison could be that little brother on the movie "A Christmas Story" where his mom dressed him all nice & warm in the snowsuit but he couldn't put his arms down. Did Harrison love the snow that much? I love all of the new posts.

Dylan said...

Please have Ray send me this video as well.

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