...and Opa

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Several times last week I reminded the kids that they were going to Oma's house the upcoming weekend. Every time I said, "Oma's" or "Oma's House," Harrison would add, "...and Opa."

(Actually he drug it out a little more like, "aaaaannnnnnnnndddddddd OPAAAAAAAA.")

Harrison loves his Opa. And here's why:


Lynn said...

Ahaha, that is hilarious. I'm glad someone runs with Harrison when he says he's gonna get them, since I just sort of waddle and pretend, lol. Also, is that a huge ice cream cone in Helen's hand? If so, I need to visit your parents' house more often:)

Unknown said...

Helen is actually eating an cherry icee, but there's a napkin wrapped around it because she was complaining that it made her hand cold :)

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