Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday so Helen's class made these super-cute 'Cat in the Hat' hats.

The preschool director read the story to them and their teachers dressed up as Thing One and Thing Two. (Unfortunately I did not have my camera when I picked her up or I would have made them pose.)

Helen was unhappy that I made her stop playing with paper dolls long enough to take a picture in her 'hat.' This is her concentrating on the perforations of the doll dresses.

Of course the post would not be complete without a picture of Harrison. Here he is enjoying his daily (well, 2 to 3 times daily) yogurt.

(He likes to save a little for later, if you know what I mean.)


Kara said...

I'm going to have to get into this whole Dr. Seuss b-day thing. We have other friends that celebrate it every year and it makes me WAY more excited than...just for example...Valentines Day. (We are SO ROMANTIC at this house!)

P.S. You should tell Harrison that there's no need to save yogurt for later. If he runs out, just come to my house. :)

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