Kids in the Kitchen: Triangles Fit for a Mouse

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My kids love helping in the kitchen. And I love having them help. Well, except the mess, and fighting over who gets to turn on the mixer. And the mess... Did I mention the mess? Just making sure.

Helen especially loves cooking. She was born with the "food = love" mentality ingrained in all Wilfords. [Antleys just love food. Yes, there is a difference.]

Thus, Helen loves to make new recipes specifically for someone.
Lots of times this is Ray. I'm sure there are psychological implications
for her constantly seeking Ray's approval. We'll not delve into
all that here.

Just know that even a 5-year-old knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Her most recent palate-pleaser was from her Disney princess recipe book.

First, she grated some cheese.

Then we placed the cheese, ham and diced tomatoes (don't worry I did all the knife-work) on half of the tortillas. Then we folded them over to make a semi-circle.

The recipe called for grilling them on the stove top, but we just put them on a baking sheet and stuck them in the oven until the cheese melted. Then we cut them into triangles (with a pizza cutter) and served them with salsa.

They were delicious! Ray was a huge fan, and we will be having them again very soon.


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