A Tale of Two Siblings

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I shared this little episode on Facebook a week or so ago; here's the quick re-telling for all of you not on Facebook.

Harrison comes up to me wanting candy from his Easter jar and, of course, Helen wants one too (even though she had eaten all of hers days ago).

I told her to ask him if he'd be willing to share, and Harrison says,
"Sho Helen, oo can haf won."

She starts to take hers and walk away, then turns abruptly and says,
"I don't think I deserve one," handing it back to me.

I said, "Why not?..."

She says, "I've been sneaking his candy all week."


Kimberly said...

Bahahaha! I love it! I love that kids are so honest about their dishonesty........It's my favorite.

cheryl said...

I love it! that is so great.

Courtney said...

This just makes me giggle so hard. I love it!

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

Ryan thought this was hilarious when we read it on FB.

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