Where's Wilford?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

...playing at the park...

...planting our garden...

...playing/coaching soccer...

...getting our Jetta repaired...

...celebrating Mother's Day...

...picking strawberries...
[no, this is not Harrison; he didn't go to the strawberry patch,
but this cutie pie is about his age.]

...and enjoying our 9th anniversary (which is today, by the way)...

...when Ray came home for lunch, he said, 'take the rest of the day off.' [Even though he was going back to work and leaving me with the kids just the same as any other day.] So I've been editing photos and videos and uploading them online. We'll see how he feels about his little mandate when there's no dinner tonight [tee, hee, hee].

[Sorry we disappeared for so long. We'll try to do better.]


Kara said...

I remember doing a card very similar to that for my mom 20-some-odd years ago. Very nice pics, Aubrey. :)

P.S. I'm glad I don't have to rely on blogging to find out what you're up to, or else you'd REALLY be in trouble!

Ryan and Heather Moss said...

Liked the update! Am I a freak because I noticed in your incredibly shiny front bumper (can you tell I like how shiny the Jetta's front bumper is?) that you're wearing the same pants in the before & after pics?

I like Helen's hair pulled up in that picture at the park!

Unknown said...

Dear Heather: Please don't pay such close attention... I wear the same pants (and shirts, etc.) quite often :)

Oh, and please tell Helen you liked the pulled back hair. She rarely lets me do anything special with it.

Courtney said...

Snap doodle... you are a picture fiend woman! ;-) A good way to have excellent memories though!

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