On Display

Monday, March 15, 2010

Helen brings home at least one piece of artwork or worksheet each day from preschool. I hang everything up on a bulletin board in our hallway (or sometimes on the fridge) and then gradually they disappear. Some into the 'circular file'; others I scan or photograph and then they head towards the aforementioned file.

Here are a few of her recent works:

They made these snowmen last month, using scrap paper, white chalk and those little punches scrapbookers use.

This is one that I did keep - the wreath is imprinted with their hand prints in paint on a cloth. Then someone (not Helen) worked diligently to attach that fancy trim and hang it on a dowel. (No, we did not leave it on the tree the whole time; it was actually on the front door, but I couldn't get a good picture because of the storm door.)

What an angel! I asked Helen why she glued the feathers on and she replied, "how else am I going to fly?"

Back in October I told Helen she needed to make Daddy a birthday card. So she made two easel-size paintings for him instead. They hung on our freezer for about 2 months, but finally I just took pictures and quietly disposed of them.

I got this idea from my friend Tracy long before I had kids. She is an artist who paints and does other 3-D type things (that is a technical artistic phrase, by the way) and she would photograph everything. That way she could remember her ideas and show off her work without taking up so much space. I should add that she still kept quite a bit; I hardly keep anything. My plan was to scrapbook pages of Helen's artwork which hasn't happened yet, but at least I have the photos and scans when I do get around to it.

I almost forgot this cute Valentine's Day card she made for Ray and me:

The flowers are made from cupcake holders and the 'hand' holding them is actually a tracing of her hand that she cut out herself.

I always thought Helen did 'okay' with scissors but after seeing some of her classmates' work, I now realize she has excellent scissor skills for her age. I really wish I could have some comparison pictures.


cheryl said...

Wasn't she in nursery with me...scribbling...like yesterday? How fun to see her amazing artwork!! I love the feather comment.

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