St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Last Wednesday Helen's class had some special activities to commemorate St. Patrick's Day. I helped bring in the 'green' snacks, but the cutest part was that while the kids were out on the playground 'Lenny the Leprechaun' snuck into their classroom. Not only did Lenny make a mess of the room, but he also left sparkly shamrocks throughout the room and one for each of the kids with their name on it. Plus some 'gold' in a basket for the kids (they were Werther's Originals in case you were wondering. Bet you didn't know those were made by leprechauns).

Of course I forgot my camera in the rush to drop Harrison for a play date and lug a tray of cupcakes into the school, so I took these with my camera phone. The last slide is a video so be sure to click on it and feel free to dance along.

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Kara said...

WOW! Helen really is a head above everyone else! What a cutie she is! I loved the video--particularly watching everyone "freeze." It's amazing how some are so good at it while others...

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